November 02, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day #2 - A journal entry

Dear Blog,

I successfully managed to flick off a spider from my glasses during today's Russian word test, then between Japanese Literature and Russian Linguistics, I created a time paradox and in order to solve it, I used a non-linear conception of time.
When I got home after my classes, I realized I forgot to lock the keys on my dictaphone, so it recorded 3,5 hours of nothing interesting, but I found out at least that it used appr. 50 MBs of space and the batteries are still okay. I amused myself listening to bits of it.
In the evening, I managed to break our internet-connection (effectively rendering our landphone useless) while trying to work on my NaNoWriMo Novel. Fortunately, the need of the www and my creativity let me fix the connection.
Now I can finally continue my novel. See you later!

2nd Nov., 2010. 7 PM


Anonymous said...

"then between Japanese Literature and Russian Linguistics, I created a time paradox and in order to solve it, I used a non-linear conception of time."

Sounds like you had some fun there. :D

Tika said...

Well, yeah, I had 30 free mins, I had to do something! :D
I used the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey solution ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha, you know I can't wait to read it! :D

And I really should go and start writing now. My progress is rapidly turning into regress. XD

Tika said...

Go-go, write! You have time till midnight to reach the daily word-count goal!
I know you can do it ;)

And a big THANK YOU for you!

Mara said...

Ew. Spider.

You're making me feel like I really need to start actually learning Gaelic and not just picking up little phrases here and there. :D

So have you figured out how to not break time yet?
Good luck writing!

Tika said...

I think the spider was really Bélus who was my Grandpa's roommate for a few days... Because we can't find him anywhere at home.

Go-go, learn it! Maybe you should pick a month and do an I-learn-basic-Gaelic-in-this-month kinda thing. Like NaNoWriMo, but instead of writing a novel, you learn a language on a basic level :)

Yes, I have, thanks for your question! :D I figured it out appr. a week earlier when I was finishing my outline. So I'm happy :D

Thanks, to you, too! ;)