January 01, 2012

ROW 80 - Goals

You can find more info about ROW 80 here. Basically, it's a writing challenge where you set the goals for 80 days. There are four (80-days) rounds in a year, the next one starts tomorrow.

And since I have a degree now, NaNoWriMo is over and I'm still looking for a job, this seems the perfect time to finally join! So here're my goals for the 1st round of 2012:
  • write at least 500 words 4 days per week
  • fix at least a chapter per week from my 2010 NaNoWriMo novel

This might not seem much, but I know about myself that I don't like repetitiveness - which means writing each day isn't a good advice for me. Cue the 4 days I didn't write a word during November. You can call it 'laziness', I call it 'rebelliousness' and I can't really do anything about it.
Anyway, I'd rather start with smaller steps and with a plan than greater ambitions and failure in the end. I can always write more if I have inspiration, right? Right.

Let's see how this ROW80 challenge works for me. Good luck to you, if you're also participating!

Do you make any New Year's resolutions?

Happy New Year! \^o^/

PS.: I think I'm going to do one blog post about this per week (check-in). That, in itself is a challenge for me...


Anonymous said...

Simple and effective is always good. The great thing about ROW is that you can always adjust things as you go along if you wish to do more. All the best for the coming round, Tika :)

fakesteph said...

Good luck! I kind of did the same thing when I set my goals: I set goals that I knew I could attain, so that I didn't get frustrated and drop out of the challenge.

Veronica Jorden said...

Hi Tika!
I think you've set some realistic goals for the first round of Row80! I completely understand about hating repetitiveness, I'm the same way.

Good luck and happy new year!

Lori Freeland said...

Small steps? Way better than no steps! Good luck!

Tika said...

Wow, you're all very kind! Thank you for the encouraging words!

And it seems I was right about setting lower expectations... I've just come down with a sore throat and runny nose :(

Robin M said...

Welcome to the challenge. Great goals and very doable. And the beauty is we can adjust them for life. Hope you feel better soon!

Tika said...

Thank you very much, Robin! I feel much better today.

Good luck with your challenge, too!